New Disney Princess Engagement Rings

Ever dreamed of having a fairytale princess wedding, ladies? It looks like Disney has your back, starting with the very first detail: The engagement ring!

Check out these six newly released rings representing Disney princesses Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, and Aurora!


Disney Engagement Rings


We love the tiny details that incorporate a bit of the fairytale into each ring!

Disney Heroines Meet Doctor Who

Check out this awesome piece by Amy Mebberson who has imagined 11 of Disney’s best loved ladies as each one of the Doctors of Dr. Who!  Which one is your favorite?

Art by Amy Mebberson

Source: The Mary Sue

Historically Accurate Disney Princesses by Shoomlah

I found these interesting art pieces on Deviantart last week. They’re by the fantastic shoomlah, who has recreated the princesses as they would be if they wore costumes reflecting that of the historical time period! I think they’re fabulous! A lot of research must have gone into these, and the outcome is certainly to a high standard and they’re very beautiful pieces of art.

If you liked these, be sure to follow the links and check out even more of the artists gorgeous art. It deserves so much more recognition!

Hipster Disney Princesses

Deviantart is the best place ever for fanart and photography and traditional and digital art. It’s simply magnificent, and everybody’s so talented. So I was thrilled to discover this wonderful piece of art by Mayanna depicting the Disney Princesses in hipster style.

I think my favourite is Tiana or Meg! They’re so good! Anyway, this artist creates wonderful art, you should check her out! Especially if you like Harry Potter, Naruto, Death Note and Hetalia! Click the picture or go to the profile link below!


The Little Mermaid Fan Art – Day 5

Our final set for the week is of the couple, Prince Eric and Princess Ariel.

ARTIST: Kara Lija

ARTIST: Airyfairyamy

Have a wonderful weekend!

Disney Hunger Games

Sometimes I never know where to put an image when it crosses between two of our fandoms, but I think this is brilliant enough to put on both our Hunger Games site and our Disney site.

If you’re a fan of both, I think you’ll appreciate the great lengths this artist went through to draw this up.  Look at their hardened faces, too!  Notice the change of the mockingjay icon to something less birdlike and more fairylike.

DeviantArt Artist: blastedgoose
Download the full-sized image by clicking on the artist name.

The artist, blastedgoose, even put in little explanations for why each duo would be in those districts and for the most part, it works.

District 1 (Luxury) – Aladdin & Jasmine I had to choose characters who represented luxury, at the same time intimidating enough to be Careers. With themes like greed & temptation (Cave of Wonders) and Aladdin’s misguided notion that love be won with power and riches, they seemed to be a good fit.

District 2 (Masonry) – Shang & Mulan Shang and Mulan is the only Disney couple who are both military trained, so it makes sense they belong in the District that specializes in weapons and Capitol soldiers. Also, I can def see them as Careers.

District 3 (Technology) – Milo & Kida Who else imagined Beetee to look like Milo in the books? I did! I know Atlantis isn’t one of the more popular movies, but Milo and Kida fit in so well that I couldn’t leave them out! Plus the movie’s steam punk vibe totally fits the HG!

District 4 (Fishing) – Eric & Ariel Need I say more?

District 5 (Power) – Hercules & Meg Power has a triple meaning here. In the books, it refers to electricity, which goes hand in hand with the God of Thunder’s son. The second meaning is physical power, which Hercules possesses. Thirdly, the movie is all about the power of love, which is what drove Meg to sacrifice her life for Herc, and vice versa.

District 6 (Transportation) – Naveen & Tiana I thought of transportation here in an abstract sense. Of the Disney movies, the Princess and the Frog was the one that focused most on the concept of journey: the literal journey from the town to the Bayou and back, the emotional journey from ambition/greed to love, and the transformational journey from frog to human.

District 7 (Lumber) – Tarzan & Jane I know lumber comes from the forest and Tarzan is set in the jungle but SHUSH! It fits okay???

District 8 (Textile) – Charming & Cinderella Cinderella is basically a story about how a maid snagged a prince because she was wearing a nice outfit. Textiles = cloth = outfit. So there.

District 9 (Grain) – Beast & Belle This was the hardest to place. Beast and Belle fit NONE of the Districts, but they fell into the category of “how angry fans would be if I didn’t include him/her.” I tried to justify it by thinking that grain = seed = rose? Contrived but there you go. By the way… in this world, Beast is a muttation. When he was a child, he was affected by some radiation or whatever, but it only affected his physical appearance so he’s still eligible to compete in the HG.

District 10 (Livestock) – Quasimodo & Esmeralda Nothing too deep…I thought of Esmeralda’s goat and that was enough for me. Why not Phoebus? Because I hate him.

District 11 (Agriculture) – John Smith & Pocahontas Corn!

District 12 (Mining) – “The Prince” & Snow White The dwarfs were miners! Close enough! Oh and here’s some trivia for you. People think Cinderella and Snow White’s princes were both named “Charming” but actually, SW’s prince has never been referred to as such. He’s simply “the Prince.”

I’ve decided to take a poll on this then.  Which district would you say the victor would come from?  Vote below!

The Little Mermaid Fan Art – Day 4

Here’s to our red-headed princess of the sea, Ariel.

Artist: Pocketowl

Artist: Sugargrl14

The Little Mermaid Fan Art – Day 1

This week will be a parade of fan art from The Little Mermaid.

Let’s start with the sidekicks / animals, shall we? Yes!

Sebastian and Flounder
Artist: PrinceKido

Artist: Pocketowl

Flotsam & Jetsam circling a disguised Ursula
Artist: R-becca

Auditions for Disneyland Paris…

Hello there! Doing some looking on the internet, and it seems there’s a few auditions for Disneyland Paris for Character Lookalike Performers. The characters listedand the specifications include…

Rapunzel – 5ft4-5ft7 (162-171 cm)
Sleeping Beauty – 5ft4-5ft7(163-170 cm)
Ariel – 5ft5-5ft7 (164-170 cm)
Cinderella – 5ft3-5ft7 (161-171 cm)
Belle – 5ft5-5ft7 (165-171 cm)
Snow White – 5ft3-5ft7 (160-170 cm)

So if you have a good level of dance, you can participate in the parades. Auditionees have to be 18 or above!

“Contract start dates May/June 2012 for a minimum of 4 consecutive months. Housing possibilities. Candidates must resemble one or more of the above profiles, speak English or French and be a minimum of 18 years old. Please bring a non-returnable CV in French or English and a pen. Wear comfortable clothing as you will be asked to participate in a movement/dance combination. Candidates must be available until 6 pm.”

7th MAY 2012 AT 10 am
Pineapple Dance Studios
7 Langley Street
(opposite Covent Garden tube station)

You can find more auditions for other parks here
What have you got to lose?

This seemed like a fitting song, given the content of the post!

Retro and Vintage Princesses by GuardianoftheSword

Browsing Deviantart, stumble across these phenomenal Retro and Vintage themed Disney illustrations… They’re by a deviant who goes by the name of GuardianoftheSword and I think we can all agree they’re lovely! I love the different eras reflecting through their clothes. My favourite’s Ariel! What d’you guys think? How wonderfully talented is this artist? I’ve linked every picture, so if you click each one, it’ll take you directly to the deviation and you can check out the rest of their art (which I seriously suggest doing, because it’s fantastic!)

Go on guys…